• Types of DSCs

    Different types of DSCs

    Over a decade, we have provided a wide range of DSC services in India. We provide comprehensive solutions for a variety of applications that need digital signatures, such as ROC, Income Tax, E-Tendor, Foreign Trade, EPF, GST, etc.

    Class-2,3 DSC

    For filing electronic documents and submitting tenders electronically, Class 3 DSC is used. The need for digital signatures is constantly growing as the Indian government pushes "Digital India." Its application can be seen, among other things, in the filing of income tax returns, EPFO, PF, GST, and e-procurement.


    In the new application, DGFT is offering support for generic digital signature, enabling class-2 and class-3 digital signature certificates for both individuals and organisations (DSC). For a certain period of time, the new programme will also continue to support class-2 and class-3 DGFT IEC-based certificates.

    Renew your DSC

    The renewal of digital signatures must undergo new identity verification in accordance with CCA requirements. By using the same procedure as purchasing a new Digital Signature Certificate on our website, you can renew your existing Digital Signature Certificate. You have to follow some steps for renewal.

    Services Overview

    DSC for Income Tax

    Starting on July 1, 2011, all businesses and individuals whose accounts need to be audited under Section 44B of the Income Tax Act of 1961 must file electronically using Pan Encrypted DSC on the Income Tax e-filing portal.

    DSC for MCA E-Filing

    As part of the MCA21 programme, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has made electronic filing with a digital signature certificate necessary. The bare minimum standard DSC needed for electronic filing on the MCA21 portal is a Class 2 DSC.

    DSC for E-Tenders

    E-procurement is the sale and purchase of goods and services between businesses, consumers, and the government using the internet and other information systems and networks, such as enterprise resource planning and EDI.

    Renewal/Updation of DSC

    Update or renew your DSC for classes 1, 2, 3, and DGFT. Renew the validity of your current digital signature certificate for one or two years. The renewal process for your digital signature certificate is quite simple and quick.